Want to grow your business?... STOP making it so hard for yourself!

Want to grow your business?... STOP making it so hard for yourself!

The Strategic Planning Workshop

Without a clear plan, you’ll struggle to hit your business targets, resulting in stress and frustration.

Spend one whole day creating a plan using the Strategic Planning process, and you’ll become a calm and confident business leader who delivers consistent results.

The Strategic Planning Workshop

Without a clear plan, you’ll struggle to hit your business targets, resulting in stress and frustration.

Spend one whole day creating a plan using the Strategic Planning process, and you’ll become a calm and confident business leader who delivers consistent results.

If you have a dream of being a calm and confident business leader, delivering consistent results month on month, year on year….

…then look no further.

So, you’ve got the passion, the expertise and the desire to succeed, but you lack clarity on how you’re actually going to get there.

Running and scaling a business can be really, really hard.

But the good news is… it doesn't have to be that way.

Join us here at EE HQ for a full day, where we’ll help you create a game plan for your business... so you know EXACTLY what to do next (and in what order!)

If you have a dream of being a calm and confident business leader, delivering consistent results month on month, year on year….

…then look no further.

So, you’ve got the passion, the expertise and the desire to succeed, but you lack clarity on how you’re actually going to get there.

Running and scaling a business can be really, really hard.

But the good news is… it doesn't have to be that way.

Join us here at EE HQ for a full day, where we’ll help you create a game plan for your business... so you know EXACTLY what to do next (and in what order!)

There are 3 key ingredients to any and all successful businesses:


This consists of 3 separate elements that will help you set annual goals that align to your bigger picture:
  • Purpose – this is the overarching reason for why you do what you do
  • Mission – this is a more in depth, time-bound summary of what you’d like to achieve
  • Values – these are moral guidelines that you should strive to align to throughout every business decision you make
Without this, you’ll lose sight of the bigger picture and why you’re doing what you’re doing.


This part is what helps you to get clear on implementing the right strategy to hit your goals.
It contains:
  • The 4 phases of business growth (identifying which phase of growth your business is in)
  • ALSWOT (an in-depth analysis of your business’ performance)
  • Strategic issues (these are the roadblocks and obstacles that stand in the way of you reaching your targets)
  • ​Priorities (the main things you need to focus on in order to achieve your goals)
  • ​Measurables (tasks that can be broken down and measured to ensure that they get done)
Without a strategy, you’ll likely set goals and fail to achieve them due to not having a ‘HOW’. When you don’t break things down, this is when they start seeming overwhelming.


Your tactics are how you’ll actually create your strategic plan through setting goals and targets for your business, using:
  • SMARTS (ensuring your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)
  • Milestones (breaking down a task into smaller sections and holding a specific person accountable for achieving each section)
Without this, you won’t be able to review your progress and determine whether you’ve been successful.

There are 3 key ingredients to any and all successful businesses:


This consists of 3 separate elements that will help you set annual goals that align to your bigger picture:
  • Purpose – this is the overarching reason for why you do what you do
  • Mission – this is a more in depth, time-bound summary of what you’d like to achieve
  • Values – these are moral guidelines that you should strive to align to throughout every business decision you make
Without this, you’ll lose sight of the bigger picture and why you’re doing what you’re doing.


This part is what helps you to get clear on implementing the right strategy to hit your goals.
It contains:
  • The 4 phases of business growth (identifying which phase of growth your business is in)
  • ALSWOT (an in-depth analysis of your business’ performance)
  • Strategic issues (these are the roadblocks and obstacles that stand in the way of you reaching your targets)
  • ​Priorities (the main things you need to focus on in order to achieve your goals)
  • ​Measurables (tasks that can be broken down and measured to ensure that they get done)
Without a strategy, you’ll likely set goals and fail to achieve them due to not having a ‘HOW’. When you don’t break things down, this is when they start seeming overwhelming.


Your tactics are how you’ll actually create your strategic plan through setting goals and targets for your business, using:
  • SMARTS (ensuring your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)
  • Milestones (breaking down a task into smaller sections and holding a specific person accountable for achieving each section)
Without this, you won’t be able to review your progress and determine whether you’ve been successful.

This workshop will give you the structure you need to:

1. Create and set your #1 goal

During the first session of the workshop, you’re going to complete a specific exercise to reveal your number 1 goal for the next 12 months, and identify your ‘good, better and best’ version. Without this, you’ll find yourself losing sight of your purpose. As soon as your #1 goal is set, you can be certain that you’ll make the next year your best one in business to date.

2. Where is your business actually going?

In this session, we’re going to focus on 3 of the key elements of your business: identifying your purpose, mission and values. These 3 things will help keep you aligned to your overarching goal. Clarifying these will help you to go from ‘winging it’ and making uninformed decisions, to a calm and confident business owner.

3. Clarify your strategy and key targets to hit your #1 goal

In this session, you’re going to take your number 1 goal and break it down into the strategy and tactics required to achieve it. This will consist of clarifying the key targets that make up the BIG goal you’re going to hit in the next 12 months! If this step is skipped, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Having key targets will make achieving your goal seem much more attainable.

4. Adopt the strategic thinking process

Next, we’ll teach you our flagship mindset process for thinking like the business owner who's got an extra '0' at the end of their annual revenue, to help you get there 5x as fast. This will transform you from being confused and chaotic to a calm and confident business owner.

5. Identify strategic issues 

A huge part of growing your business includes identifying your roadblocks and learning how to remove them. Sometimes we’re not even aware of these roadblocks, so taking time to figure out what’s holding you back could help you 2x your business alone.

6. Define your priorities

We’ll work together to define your annual and quarterly priorities (this is where everything becomes pin-point structured, easy to absorb and even easier to implement). Setting priorities breaks things down into manageable chunks and removes confusion within your business. Once these are in place, your #1 annual goal will be within reaching distance!

Put simply… you’ll build your very own route to double your business in the next 12 months.

And the best thing about the Strategic Planning Workshop is…

You’re not doing it alone!

First of all - Nick has been there himself…

This workshop will give you the structure you need to:

1. Create and set your #1 goal

During the first session of the workshop, you’re going to complete a specific exercise to reveal your number 1 goal for the next 12 months, and identify your ‘good, better and best’ version. Without this, you’ll find yourself losing sight of your purpose. As soon as your #1 goal is set, you can be certain that you’ll make the next year your best one in business to date.

2. Where is your business actually going?

In this session, we’re going to focus on 3 of the key elements of your business: identifying your purpose, mission and values. These 3 things will help keep you aligned to your overarching goal. Clarifying these will help you to go from ‘winging it’ and making uninformed decisions, to a calm and confident business owner.

3. Clarify your strategy and key targets to hit your #1 goal

In this session, you’re going to take your number 1 goal and break it down into the strategy and tactics required to achieve it. This will consist of clarifying the key targets that make up the BIG goal you’re going to hit in the next 12 months! If this step is skipped, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Having key targets will make achieving your goal seem much more attainable.

4. Adopt the strategic thinking process

Next, we’ll teach you our flagship mindset process for thinking like the business owner who's got an extra '0' at the end of their annual revenue, to help you get there 5x as fast. This will transform you from being confused and chaotic to a calm and confident business owner.

5. Identify strategic issues 

A huge part of growing your business includes identifying your roadblocks and learning how to remove them. Sometimes we’re not even aware of these roadblocks, so taking time to figure out what’s holding you back could help you 2x your business alone.

6. Define your priorities

We’ll work together to define your annual and quarterly priorities (this is where everything becomes pin-point structured, easy to absorb and even easier to implement). Setting priorities breaks things down into manageable chunks and removes confusion within your business. Once these are in place, your #1 annual goal will be within reaching distance!

Put simply… you’ll build your very own route to double your business in the next 12 months.

And the best thing about the Strategic Planning Workshop is…

You’re not doing it alone!

First of all - Nick has been there himself…

Nick specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to seven figures and beyond through his Mastermind programme.

He’s a Multi-7-figure CEO, International Speaker, Investor, and host of the ‘Empire Builders’ podcast.

Nick is best-known as the founder and creator of 'Expert Empires’ - home to the UK’s leading business events and Mastermind programmes.
Today, he speaks in front of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, sharing his unique and extremely effective '3 Phases of Business Growth'.
So, what does Nick know about setting (and actually HITTING) your business goals and targets?
Well, back in 2013, Nick’s business was doing pretty well.

Mainly because he was obsessively learning about all the latest marketing tactics, and implementing as much as he possibly could. And it worked - to a point.

One month he’d put all his time, energy, and resources into running a promotion, and make a load of sales.

The problem was, he’d then spend the next couple of months delivering on those sales.

Meaning I was in a constant cycle of feast and famine.

Maybe you can relate?

It’s draining, it’s stressful and it’s impossible to maintain (without burning out).

He also had no strategy. Which meant there was no consistency in the business.

Then in September 2014, Nick attended a workshop in Phoenix, Arizona, where he learnt about how to plan for growth and achieve it, year on year.

In the 3 months that followed, he generated more revenue than he had in the previous 12 months combined, and in the following year, he tripled the business and did over £1m for the first time ever!

Since then, Nick has adapted the strategic planning process and created his own version, especially for Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, Speaking, Training, and other ‘Expert’ businesses.

This process gives you clarity and focus on exactly what you need to do in the next week, month, quarter, and year, to make the impact and income you want.

So, if you know you lack focus and direction, or you’ve felt ’stuck’ and don’t know what to do next...

Then this workshop is for YOU!

It’s also for you if you…

  • Have a GREAT product or service available to buy NOW (or very soon)
  • ​Feel unprepared to enter a recession and don’t know how your business will fair
  • ​Are worried about making payroll due to cashflow being tight
  • ​Are consistently struggling to achieve your business goals and hit your targets
  • ​Lack accountability and fail to hit deadlines, resulting pressure and stress
  • Find marketing overwhelming and confusing and find yourself wasting your time, energy and money on it
  • Are struggling to generate a constant flow of leads and make consistent sales
  • Are working all hours under the sun and making sacrifices, but can’t figure out the missing component to your success
  • Have so many questions about your business that you don’t even know where to start
Nick specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to seven figures and beyond through his Mastermind programme.

He’s a Multi-7-figure CEO, International Speaker, Investor, and host of the ‘Empire Builders’ podcast.

Nick is best-known as the founder and creator of 'Expert Empires’ - home to the UK’s leading business events and Mastermind programmes.
Today, he speaks in front of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, sharing his unique and extremely effective '3 Phases of Business Growth'.
So, what does Nick know about setting (and actually HITTING) your business goals and targets?
Well, back in 2013, Nick’s business was doing pretty well.

Mainly because he was obsessively learning about all the latest marketing tactics, and implementing as much as he possibly could. And it worked - to a point.

One month he’d put all his time, energy, and resources into running a promotion, and make a load of sales.

The problem was, he’d then spend the next couple of months delivering on those sales.

Meaning I was in a constant cycle of feast and famine.

Maybe you can relate?

It’s draining, it’s stressful and it’s impossible to maintain (without burning out).

He also had no strategy. Which meant there was no consistency in the business.

Then in September 2014, Nick attended a workshop in Phoenix, Arizona, where he learnt about how to plan for growth and achieve it, year on year.

In the 3 months that followed, he generated more revenue than he had in the previous 12 months combined, and in the following year, he tripled the business and did over £1m for the first time ever!

Since then, Nick has adapted the strategic planning process and created his own version, especially for Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, Speaking, Training, and other ‘Expert’ businesses.

This process gives you clarity and focus on exactly what you need to do in the next week, month, quarter, and year, to make the impact and income you want.

So, if you know you lack focus and direction, or you’ve felt ’stuck’ and don’t know what to do next...

Then this workshop is for YOU!

It’s also for you if you…

  • Have a GREAT product or service available to buy NOW (or very soon)
  • ​Feel unprepared to enter a recession and don’t know how your business will fair
  • ​Are worried about making payroll due to cashflow being tight
  • ​Are consistently struggling to achieve your business goals and hit your targets
  • ​Lack accountability and fail to hit deadlines, resulting pressure and stress
  • Find marketing overwhelming and confusing and find yourself wasting your time, energy and money on it
  • Are struggling to generate a constant flow of leads and make consistent sales
  • Are working all hours under the sun and making sacrifices, but can’t figure out the missing component to your success
  • Have so many questions about your business that you don’t even know where to start


Expert Empires Training Academy
Shadowbrook Court
Shadowbrook Lane 
B92 0DL
Friday 21st July 2023 (10am - 5pm)
Thursday 10th August 2023 (10am - 5pm)


Expert Empires Training Academy
Shadowbrook Court
Shadowbrook Lane 
B92 0DL
Friday 21st July 2023 (10am - 5pm)
Thursday 10th August 2023 (10am - 5pm)
Say goodbye to the days of feeling confused and overwhelmed.

It's time to gain clarity and confidence on your business goals for the next 12 months, and exactly how you’re going to achieve them, so that you stop…
  • Staring at a blank screen…
  • Feeling ‘stuck’, lacking focus & direction and not knowing what to do next…
  • Being constantly bombarded with ‘shiny objects’ which only make things worse…
  • ​Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated…
And you can enjoy:
  • Hitting your targets…
  • Signing up new paying clients…
  • Making more money…
  • ​Getting better results in marketing, finance, sales (or whatever it is you need most)
As you may already know, Nick charges between £6k-£26k a year for this kind of support in my Mastermind programmes. 

But there’s no charge whatsoever for you to attend one of these Private Workshop. 

The only requirement is a £99 refundable deposit to "hold" your place.

The reason for the deposit is to make sure the 30 seats I have available at this session aren’t wasted on people who would book a free place and then not show up (which I’m sure you can appreciate is really annoying lol!)

So the £99 will be refunded straight back to you as soon as you arrive at the Strategic Planning Workshop.

Say goodbye to the days of feeling confused and overwhelmed.

It's time to gain clarity and confidence on your business goals for the next 12 months, and exactly how you’re going to achieve them, so that you stop…
  • Staring at a blank screen…
  • Feeling ‘stuck’, lacking focus & direction and not knowing what to do next…
  • Being constantly bombarded with ‘shiny objects’ which only make things worse…
  • ​Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated…
And you can enjoy:
  • Hitting your targets…
  • Signing up new paying clients…
  • Making more money…
  • ​Getting better results in marketing, finance, sales (or whatever it is you need most)
As you may already know, Nick charges between £6k-£26k a year for this kind of support in my Mastermind programmes. 

But there’s no charge whatsoever for you to attend one of these Private Workshop. 

The only requirement is a £99 refundable deposit to "hold" your place.

The reason for the deposit is to make sure the 30 seats I have available at this session aren’t wasted on people who would book a free place and then not show up (which I’m sure you can appreciate is really annoying lol!)

So the £99 will be refunded straight back to you as soon as you arrive at the Strategic Planning Workshop.


All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Reversed 2022 © Copyright Expert Empires